MoAD and the Courtyard Cafe are open. There may be building works during your visit. Learn more

Reports, policies and plans

Find our strategic and corporate plans, policies and reporting.

The purpose of the Museum of Australian Democracy is to:

  • protect, conserve and interpret the national icon that is Old Parliament House to highlight the crucial role the building and its collections have played in shaping today’s Australia 
  • share the story of Australia’s democracy through exhibitions, programs, publications and website content to increase understanding of the nation’s social and political history
  • enable audiences to actively explore how Australia’s democratic systems work and to be inspired and equipped to participate as engaged citizens in our democracy.

Corporate information 

Old Parliament House is a Corporate Commonwealth Entity under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability (Establishing Old Parliament House) Rule 2016. The Board of Old Parliament House is the Accountable Authority.

ABN: 30 620 774 963