MoAD and the Courtyard Cafe are open. There may be building works during your visit. Learn more



Browse Behind the Lines, our annual exhibition celebrating the year's best political cartoons.

Visitors looking at the framed cartoons on the walls


Reflections of Bob Hawke in Old Parliament House

Reflections of Bob Hawke in Old Parliament House

How Bob Hawke felt about his time as Prime Minister at both houses of parliament.

Leadership spills: nothing new to history

Leadership spills: nothing new to history

How leadership can change in Australian politics.

Westminster Abbey to Old Parliament House: a queen is crowned

Westminster Abbey to Old Parliament House: a queen is crowned

Royal responsibilities and how Elizabeth II performed some of them.

From tulips to trenches: comings and goings in the Old Parliament House Gardens

From tulips to trenches: comings and goings in the Old Parliament House Gardens