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Howard Library

Follow the 11-year long prime ministership of John Howard.


Main floor

Discover some of the key moments from John Howard’s time as prime minister, including the introduction of gun control laws after the Port Arthur massacre and Australia’s participation in the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts.   

 Objects from John Howard's personal collection of papers and souvenirs are a record of national events and issues during those years. See his glasses, gifts from world leaders and one of tracksuits.  

The Howard Library is hosted by UNSW Canberra.

Plan your visit

Some areas of this exhibition are dimly lit.

The Museum of Australian Democracy acknowledges Australia's First Nations peoples as the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia. We recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and community. We respectfully acknowledge the role that First Nations people continue to play in shaping Australia's democracy. We also acknowledge the Ngunnawal, Ngunawal and Ngambri peoples as the Traditional Custodians of the region in which MoAD is located.
