This cartoon is titled 'Boys and Their Dumb Toys', by Nordacious (James Hillier), self-published, 17th of September 2021. In a vibrant pop art style cartoon, people’s images look like photos transformed into colourful cartoon characters against a plain background of solid colours.
Dressed like small boys, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison, US President Joe Biden, and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, play with toy submarines in a sand pit.
A woman's feet stand by the sandpit. Yellow and black text reads, 'Boys! The world is on fire! Reefs are dying! Polar caps are melting! Get inside'. Inside the sandpit red and black text reads, 'But...but...but...billion dollar nuclear submarines!.
Label text: On 15 September 2021, a new security pact between Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States was announced. Dubbed AUKUS, the pact includes the intention for Australia to acquire nuclear-powered submarines.