Turtle, dog and penguin puppets from The Carbon-Neutral Adventure of the Indefatigable EnviroTeens play

First Dog on the Moon
First Dog on the Moon’s play, The Carbon-Neutral Adventures of the Indefatigable EnviroTeens, began life as a graphic novel. The story follows three teenagers on their quest to defeat Singleuse Plastic Brendan, and eventually to fix climate change. (‘Why not,’ the cartoonist writes, ‘nobody else is!’)
In the play, which addresses the difficult topic of climate change in a lighthearted and engaging way, a new cast of his characters are brought to life as either hand or full-body costume puppets. The EnviroTeens meet the turtle, dog and penguin characters on their adventures. The theatre production was carbon-neutral, and all the puppets are made from recycled materials.
Photos: Jesse Hunneford