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Australian backyard buddies

Support students to incorporate sustainable practices to help our planet's smallest creatures thrive.

Australian backyard buddies, written and illustrated by Andy Geppert, encourages students to explore and appreciate the small creatures that can be found in their own backyards.

These backyard buddies play an important role in our ecosystem. Support students to incorporate sustainable practices, plant flowers and design habitats to help our planets smallest creatures thrive.

Book cover of 'Australian Backyard Buddies' by Andy Geppert, showing a a yellow flower with a frog, a snail, a ladybug and a butterfly.


Backyard buddies – teacher resource and activity sheet

This activity invites students to consider the needs of insects, what they can do to help them thrive and how we can be more sustainable in creating solutions.

Save our backyard buddies – activity sheet

Support students to design a badge, t-shirt, poster or piece of jewellery to draw attention to the importance of one backyard buddy.