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Make toilet roll puppets

Celebrate the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Article 31: the right to play and rest.

Use your imagination and turn some toilet rolls into puppets. What kind of creature or person can you create? Maybe you could even build a theatre and put on a play. 

You’ll need:  

  • toilet rolls (tip: if you’re out of toilet rolls just roll paper into a tube)
  • glue or tape   
  • coloured paper – if you don’t have coloured paper just use pencils to add colour   
  • decorations like string, buttons, or pipe cleaners   
  • textas, pencils, or crayons   
  • scissors.

Step 1

Grab a toilet roll or roll up a piece of paper to make a tube. Give your puppet some hair. You can do this by cutting the toilet roll directly or by sticking on some string, paper, or other decorations.

Step 2

It’s time to get your puppet dressed. Wrap the bottom half of your toilet roll in coloured paper. Why not draw on a cool design?  

Step 3

Your puppet needs some arms and legs. Attach a pipe cleaner to the back of your toilet roll to make the arms, and one at the bottom to make the legs. You can also try this out with paper. 

Step 4

Finish off your puppet by giving it a face! Try using googly eyes or drawing onto the toilet paper roll.