All in History

John Frith: the art of politics
Analyse and evaluate the historical political cartoons of John Frith.

Stella Young
Learn about Stella Young, writer, comedian, television presenter and disability advocate.

Georgie Stone and Rebekah Robertson
Learn about Georgie Stone and Rebekah Robertson, advocates for the rights of trans people.

How do referendums work?
Learn how a change is made to the Constitution through a double majority vote.

What's a referendum?
Learn what the Constitution is, what a referendum is and the issues Australians have voted on in the past.

When grandma burnt her bra
This activity is designed to support students’ understanding of equality and the issues people face.

Draw a caricature
Caricatures can inspire conversations and draw attention to important issues in a creative way.

Political cartoons in the classroom
A comprehensive guide to the history, context and analysis of political cartoons.

Engaging with your local environment
Help students build connections with the animals and plants around them.

The printing press at Old Parliament House
Learn about the importance of technology in our democracy.

The safe at Old Parliament House
See the hidden safe at Old Parliament House and hear a story about someone who once got stuck in there.

The Press Gallery at Old Parliament House
Visit the Press Gallery and see the journalists' busy offices. Learn about the role of the media in democracy.

The mace at Old Parliament House
Find out about the mace at Old Parliament House – where it came from, what it symbolises and how it was used.

Critically exploring campaigning
Critically reflect on the information in political campaign posters.

A history of Old Parliament House
Discover key events and decisions that were made at Old Parliament House.

How can kids get involved?
Explores how to connect with your local representatives and what changes you can make to help others.

The Petrov Affair WebQuest
Students can explore Australia's reaction to the threat of communism in the 1950s.

Susan Ryan
Susan Ryan became part of the political system so that she could help make a fairer world for women.

Oodgeroo Noonuccal
Hear the story of Oodgeroo Noonuccal and her work towards First Nations rights and freedoms.

Trailblazing women in our democracy
Explore the significant contributions of women to our democracy.

Gay Davidson
Journalist Gay Davidson was the first woman to head a press bureau in Parliament House.

HansART – Interpreting Hansard records
Explore parliamentary debates from the last 100 years of records.

What do clothes symbolise?
What can clothes symbolise and what can they tell us about other times and people?

Sir Edmund Barton and Sir Isaac Isaacs' coatees
Compare the symbols and kinds of clothing worn by historical figures.

Our Voices, Our Choices
Students engage in deep learning as they explore civic participation in a functioning democracy.

Democracy, Media and Me
Explore the role of media and support students to be empowered, informed digital citizens.

Behind the Lines
Students unpack the role of political cartoons, explore techniques and develop their media literacy skills.

First Nations Rights and Freedoms
Hear the stories of significant First Nations Australians who have worked to create democratic change.

You, Me and Sustainability Digital Workshop
Through discussion and real-world examples students consider simple changes to support sustainability.

Empowering Authentic Student Voice and Agency
Learn to support authentic conversations with students and build their capacity to be active citizens.

Democracy: Our House, Our Voices
Discover traditions, connect with people who made change and consider the important role of young people.

Drawn Together - Explore Referendums
Explore what a referendum is and how they work through cartooning.