Political cartoons

Civic engagement with Charlotte Barkla and Jade Goodwin
Explore the power of trying again and being creative.

Sustainability book list
Inspire students to explore sustainability through thought-provoking picture books.

Frog squad
Engage students in media literacy concepts using examples from Kate and Jol Temple's books.

John Frith: the art of politics
Analyse and evaluate the historical political cartoons of John Frith.

You can change the world
Empower students to celebrate who they are and how they can make a difference.

Media literacy basics
Help students understand media literacy with comics by Kate and Jol Temple, and David Conley.

First Nations classroom connections
Support students to meaningfully engage with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures.

The underdogs
Critically reflect on the role of media in our lives through engaging chapter books.

Civic engagement with Corey Tutt
Explore the lives of First Nations people creating change through STEM.

Civic engagement with Aunty Fay Muir and Sue Lawson
Get students involved in Reconciliation Week with these activity ideas.

Change starts with us
Support students to help the environment by making small changes in their daily lives.

Bowerbird blues
For Simultaneous Storytime 2024, repurpose objects to design and create new art.

Behind the Lines: questioning cartoons
Explore curated collections of political cartoons organised by theme.

Civic engagement with Kate and Jol Temple
Use this matrix with Kate and Jol Temple's books to empower student voice and agency in the classroom.

Illustrated guide to how referendums work
Discover how referendums work with this graphic story by cartoonist David Conley.

How is a referendum created?
Take students through the process of a referendum, from how the question is written to voting day.

The Australian Constitution
An illustrated guide to the Australian Constitution by cartoonist David Conley.

Kindness with Sue Hindle
Support students to spread kindness and look after their own wellbeing.

Stella Young
Learn about Stella Young, writer, comedian, television presenter and disability advocate.

Nyadol Nyuon
Learn about Nyadol Nyuon, advocate for refugee and migrant communities in Australia.

Georgie Stone and Rebekah Robertson
Learn about Georgie Stone and Rebekah Robertson, advocates for the rights of trans people.

How do referendums work?
Learn how a change is made to the Constitution through a double majority vote.

What's a referendum?
Learn what the Constitution is, what a referendum is and the issues Australians have voted on in the past.

When grandma burnt her bra
This activity is designed to support students’ understanding of equality and the issues people face.

Civic engagement with Krys Saclier
Use this matrix to support students as they consider how they can participate and contribute.

Civic engagement with Matt Cosgrove
Use this matrix to support students to consider how they can be the best version of themselves.

Civic engagement with Andy Geppert
Use Andy Geppert's picture books to explore values and learning dispositions.

Backyard birdies
Support students to be citizen scientists with this engaging native birds activity book.

The mess that we made
Support students in recognising their capacity to influence environments and make change.

Australian backyard buddies
Encourage students to incorporate sustainable practices and solutions.

Exploring student voice
Use this activity to support students to use their voice in the classroom, school or local community.

Student voice – empowered leaders
Educators reflect on how they've empowered students to become leaders.

Student voice in the community
Students talk about what inspires them and how they can work towards positive change in the world.

Student voice in school – learning and applying
Students talk about the ways their school has given them a platform to express their opinions.

Empowering young people to create sustainable change
Use this provocation to explore ways to create sustainable change.

Active participation and young people
Use this provocation to explore the ways young people can participate in democracy.

Creating the best version of you
This resource guides students to consider what they would like to achieve as a learner.

Leadership sketchnote
Start a conversation about leadership using prompts, reflection and collaboration.

Random acts of leadership
Support students to take leadership actions, record their findings and make a difference in their community.

Media literacy framework
This poster identifies key concepts, competencies and knowledge indicators for media literacy.

Social media check-in
Use this resource to begin a discussion about social media use, safety and balance.

The PM's daughter – teaching toolkit
Through this series, support students to learn about power, media and citizenship.

Media literacy thinking hats
Analyse how each type of media works – why it was made, who for, and how to read and understand it.

Sustainable changemakers – lunchbox citizens
Understand plastic waste as an issue, discuss sustainability and empower student voice and agency.

Our world, our community: becoming global citizens
Empower students to take positive action and to be a changemaker in their school and community.

Draw a caricature
Caricatures can inspire conversations and draw attention to important issues in a creative way.

Political cartoons in the classroom
A comprehensive guide to the history, context and analysis of political cartoons.

Create, celebrate and connect
Engaging activity ideas to support young people connect with those around them.

Engaging with your local environment
Help students build connections with the animals and plants around them.

Indigenous rights and freedoms – an experience of democracy
Tells the stories of Old Parliament House from a First Nations perspective.

The printing press at Old Parliament House
Learn about the importance of technology in our democracy.

The safe at Old Parliament House
See the hidden safe at Old Parliament House and hear a story about someone who once got stuck in there.

The Press Gallery at Old Parliament House
Visit the Press Gallery and see the journalists' busy offices. Learn about the role of the media in democracy.

The mace at Old Parliament House
Find out about the mace at Old Parliament House – where it came from, what it symbolises and how it was used.

The ABC broadcasting booth at Old Parliament House
Explore the role of media in our democracy.

Building connections
Use before or after a visit to MoAD to explore more of Old Parliament House.

Democratic thinking conversation starters
Start a conversation about why democracy, good leadership and social justice are important.

Critically exploring campaigning
Critically reflect on the information in political campaign posters.

A history of Old Parliament House
Discover key events and decisions that were made at Old Parliament House.

Personal objects as primary sources – Neville Bonner
Learn about Australia's first Aboriginal federal parliamentarian, Neville Bonner.

Personal objects as primary sources – Neil Baker
Explore the ways we communicate through a collection of phones.

You matter: be your own best friend
A practical toolkit of wellbeing activities for young people.

Welcome to Country
Explore the concept of welcoming ceremonies and their significance to First Nation communities.

How can kids get involved?
Explores how to connect with your local representatives and what changes you can make to help others.

What happens in parliament?
Find out how laws are created and what happens in Question Time.

Do something for someone else
Explore stories of children spreading kindness through small positive actions.

Camp Canberra
Delve into the design of Canberra and explore the role of museums and galleries in a capital city.

The Petrov Affair WebQuest
Students can explore Australia's reaction to the threat of communism in the 1950s.

Marnti Warajanga – A Walk Together
Learn about the First Nations' experience of democracy.

Billy Hughes at war
Explore World War I in Australia from conscription to peace negotiations.

Australia's founding documents
See original documents that shaped Australia and our democracy.

Joan Child
Hear the story of Joan Child, the first woman Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Enid Lyons
Hear the story of Enid Lyons, the first woman member of the House of Representatives.

Susan Ryan
Susan Ryan became part of the political system so that she could help make a fairer world for women.

Oodgeroo Noonuccal
Hear the story of Oodgeroo Noonuccal and her work towards First Nations rights and freedoms.

Trailblazing women in our democracy
Explore the significant contributions of women to our democracy.

Gay Davidson
Journalist Gay Davidson was the first woman to head a press bureau in Parliament House.

HansART – Interpreting Hansard records
Explore parliamentary debates from the last 100 years of records.

What do clothes symbolise?
What can clothes symbolise and what can they tell us about other times and people?

The PM's daughter
Explore what qualities make a good leader and how young people can make positive change.

Sir Edmund Barton and Sir Isaac Isaacs' coatees
Compare the symbols and kinds of clothing worn by historical figures.

How to be prime minister and survive grade five
Explore how a parliament works and how students can participate in democracy.